Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween festivities- Thursday

Thursday, Mackenzee's class had Scarecrow day. My cousin had watched Mackenzee Sun-Wed while the rest of the family was in Vegas. She was so kind and stayed until Thursday afternoon so I could go to the party with Mackenzee. I had made sugar cookies for decorating (the thick soft kind :) ) Mackenzee was so excited to come to my station.

When we got home I STARTED making Parker's costume. I didn't have a pattern for the vest so had to eyeball it. I think it turned out pretty good considering. Then the pants. We then took my cousin to the airport and picked up Mac. As soon as we got home it was the mad rush to find the sewing machine and all its parts (it was in one of the boxes in the office we have not unpacked). I finished sewing the costume (vest and pants) at 5:50pm, our church's Trunk or Treat started at 6:30.

We invited our neighbors and had a blast. They had a costume parade and were so cute. There was a really cute family the dad dressed like the man in the yellow hat (he looked just like him) and the baby was Curious George. Mackenzee and her friend hung out on the stage. The looked so grown up, not like they were 5!!!

This year we went with the Aladdin theme. I figure this is probably the last year I will get Mackenzee to play along. Parker was Aladdin (he picked out the fabric for his costume, yes I know Aladdin has a purple vest), Mackenzee was Jasmine and Eliza was Abu.

It started to rain at the Trunk or Treat but held off while they were walking around to the different cars. I don't think I have ever seen so many in attendance even with the rain. I ran out of a HUGE bowl of candy and I was just giving 1 or 2 pieces each. After some pumpkin bread and apple juice it was time to go home. It started to POUR down when we were walking to our cars. Sorry I didnt get any more pictures (it was due to the rain).


Aranne and Dan said...

Amy those costumes are adorable... I love them. What a cute idea. so talented you are!

Johnsens said...

Man I miss those kids. I loved their costumes, great job as always. Glad they had a good Halloween, but lets be serious, I don't think parker needs any candy:)

Beckers said...

I'm glad to see your theme worked out! Very cute.