Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Twilight- The movie

For all my fellow Twilight fans I thought I would pass this along (I really thought I would see it on Kristen's or Kenzie's first...)

Movie Trailer

The trailer actually looks better then I thought it would. It is the second post down on the site. And if you have not read the books they are GREAT!!! Although they are about Vampires there is much more to them... I don't do the Vampire thing but there is not the blood and gore normally associated with Vampires. Enjoy...


The Baker said...

I know, i saw this yesterday, I am sooo excited, it looks really good. I just bought her new book today,"The Host" hopfully it will be just as good.

Kristen said...

Have I redeemed myself?

Mark and Kattie said...

I can't wait to see the movie. I am reading the books the 2nd time through so that I am fresh for the 4th book in August. :)

Stjerne said...

Mark just got me the first book for Mother's Day. (well one of the many things he got me) I cannot wait to start reading it. I have heard great things about it. I have to finish the book I am reading, before I start another one though.