Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Good Night

Yesterday we went to my grandparents to see my cousin and her family. I brought my camera so we could get some pictures of Eliza and Alexis (they are 5 weeks apart). It was cute but of course I forgot to pull my camera out when they were playing so you will all just have to imagine an 11 and 10 month old playing. They would stand at the fireplace and look at each other like "I can let go for 6 seconds" "Well I can let go for 8..." No it was really cute and it was great to see Sumerae and James too.

We we left we got the kids in their PJs and came home. Parker and Mackenzee stayed asleep from the transfer from car to beds. Eliza woke up and hung out for a little bit then went to bed. The best part of the night was they all three slept in their own beds ALL NIGHT LONG. Mackenzee came in at 7 and the other two woke up at 8. Now mind you Eliza and Mackenzee normally sleep in their own beds but Parker wonders in at some point during the night. He crawls in our bed and we dont notice him until morning.

Ahhh the joys of getting a good nights rest (however I am still really tired).


jenreeder said...

I love it when the kids make it all night in their beds... it's so rare at our house that I can hardly remember what it's like!
oh-- and the pictures are of our pool... my parents are next door and have one too, but we had the duck and party at our house this week. Come and visit us soon-- we would love it.

Lizzy said...

I can totally relate to this story. What a cute blog you have here! --Lizzy

Amber Horspool said...

isn't that so sad... still tired after sleeping all night without interuptions. one day we'll forget the feeling, i'm sure:)