Well I thought I would at least start the year out strong :)
2010 Highlights:
JanAimee started hot yoga
Parker turns 4 and goes to Sunbeams (no more nursery at church)
Aimee goes to Phoenix for Stampin' Up! Leadership Convention
Mackenzee played her 1st season of Basketball (Mac assistant coach)

Cute quote from the kids: "Parker (4) and friend are trying to play Hide and Seek with Eliza (2). They want her to count to 50. She says "OK" and then goes 1..2..3.. Here I come! There response is that wasnt 50 if you dont do it right we will make you count to 100! I dont think they get she can only count to 13!"
FebValentine's Day
Disneyland for a week (thank you teacher furlough week)
Aimee was introduced to cake balls (thanks Kristen)

MarEliza started Gymnastics
St. Patricks Day- green cake balls for school
Got our Whole House fan and LOVE IT!
9th Anniversary!
AprFamily trip to Phoenix: went to museums, Easter Pageant, Royals spring training, train park, flew kites and hung out with Brit, Jake, Jane, Ann and my cousins! Great Spring Break!
Eliza has a real playdate!
Cute Quote from Parker "I love you but I am just not going to listen to you!"

MayHad our lawn redone.
Mother's Day tea with Mackenzee... it was so fun... survey question she answered: My mom doesn't like: she wrote "my dad" (hmmmm....)
Aimee travel to KC for Courtney's graduation from High School (less then 36 hours)
Mac & Parker went on Father & Sons camp out. They were so excited to sleep in a tent and ... it poured and hailed so they had to come home :( may 2011 will be better
Started back making cakes
Cute Quote from Parker "Mommy our tent was swimming away!"

JunGreat summer kick off (swimming, park, movies, playdates, ice cream, zoo)
Finished Parker's bedroom
Mackenzee turns into a mermaid at the pool
Parker 1st sports camp
Eliza turns 3!
Father's Day (Mac got a new grill and he has used it a TON)

JulParker cut off Eliza's curls :(
Bring on the guests: Bloomfields (and Kristen's sister), Horspools and Samuelsons!
Swimming lessons
All 3 kids go to camp
Travel to Utah (got to hang out with Mac's family and Courtney joined them)
Buzz baseball game in SLC
Aimee at Stampin' Up Convention
1st trip to 6 flags with kids (last activity of summer)

AugSoccer begins for Mackenzee and Parker.
School starts for all 3 kids! Mackenzee 2nd grade, Parker Pre-K and Eliza preschool
Parker splits his face (see previous post) and then a week later breaks his pinky toe!
Cute Quote: I told Eliza all my babies are big kids now and she said "Mommy I will be your baby!" Yes Eliza you will always be my baby :)

SepTraveled to Lake Arrowhead for Labor Day weekend (Eliza had her toe nail ripped off)
1st Soccer games!
The next week Aimee birthday party to DISNEYLAND with mom and sisters!!!
Cakeball craziness begins :) (120 one week and 160 a few weeks later)
New calling at church (teaching 7 turning 8 year olds)
Mackenzee starts reading better

OctI turned 30!
Parker learns to ride a bike without training wheels!
More cakes for others
Primary program at church (Parker's 1st, both him and Mackenzee did great!)
Parker 1st Fieldtrip
Mackenzee turned 7 and we had a Pink/ Black Paris Fashion Party
Halloween (not to big because it was on a Sunday) great Trunk or Treat though!

NovMac Boards- we wont find out until Feb if he passed
8 cake projects in 1 week
Thanksgiving in KC (visiting with long time friends, seeing family, taking kids to Kaleidoscope, Hallmark Visitor Center, Crown Center, Penguin Park, Tangled and my brother play basketball, NCAA College Basketball experience)
Mac's Birthday
Cute Quotes: Eliza "smarshmellows" Parker randomly said "Mom you never should drink hot lava with water, right?"
December4 Holiday parties at 3 schools
visit from Brit & Jake for a week
took the kids Skiing (yes I did a lesson too)
Princess Ball
Mac had to work both Christmas Eve and New Years Eve :(

All of this was in addition to being a room mom for 2 classes, babysitting, finding good deals, painting several rooms of the house, baking up a storm, Stampin' Up! adult classes and kids classes...
We are all doing great and looking forward to an exciting and packed 2011! Wishing you the best and a Happy New Year!