Monday, February 4, 2008

Funny Day

When we got home from preschool Mackenzee's friend was outside so they started playing together. Eventually they all came in the house and of course Mackenzee got on her Belle Dress (the one she got for Christmas with the hoop skirt). When her friend left I told her she needed to change back and go get her bike (at the end of the cul-de-sac). I glanced outside a few seconds later and she was running down the street (with tennis shoes and gloves) with her hair blowing like a movie star and holding up her dress like a princess. I was dying laughing. I called her to come back but she didnt hear me until she was about to get on the bike. That would have been funny seeing how she was in a hoop skirt. I got her to stop and I brought up the bikes.

On my way up I called my friend to see if she had seen Mackenzee. I was talking with her about it on my bluetooth when I got to the door. Mackenzee looked at me like I was crazy and said:

"Are you talking to yourself?" (which is what we all think when we see someone talking with a hands free set)

After reassuring her I wasnt and showing her the ear piece she wanted to put it on her ear. She wore it until it rang and freaked her out. She ran in to me and threw it at me saying its ringing with a panicked look.

Here is a few pict of her wearing the bluetooth.

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